A Home in the Soul

Many persons feel up-rooted, some even feel lost at certain times in their lives. For some, this is because they live in new and unfamiliar surroundings. Others suffer from an inner state of restlessness, lacking a sense of belonging. Self-alienation can affect a human being on an outer and an inner level. Re-discovering the centre within, the Self, in the Individuation Process allows to reconnect with one’s soul, providing for a feeling of belonging at the deepest level.

Familiarising ourselves with contents in the unconscious and recognising our projections helps us to know ourselves. Living in a state of disiunctio, with its characteristic conflicts and self-alienation, can be seen a first and necessary step towards finding wholeness or coniunctio (see: C.G. Jung, Psychology of Transference) – provided we become conscious of our projections. 

Lectures given by Kristina E. Schellinski in Basel, London, Freiburg and Zürich